RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter had started looking into the futures of education, even before it was launched, through survey and interviews. In the 'Futures of Education from a Rotary Perspective' survey, Rotarians share their ideas on how future education should be. In interviews by the Chapter, Rotarian Educators talk about their vision of the futures of education.

Humans have always planned ahead; but today’s challenges are not like anything we have faced. Accelerated climate change, global health crises, and growing use of artificial intelligence are just some of the problems we as humanity need to solve. Strong social movements demand change of the status quo. How should we, humanity as a whole, find our way into the future?
These may all sound intimidating, but UNESCO, Rotary's long-time peacebuilding partner, believes that education can nurture future leaders, help humanity build the future and tackle these problems. UNESCO has launched the ‘Futures of Education: Learning to Become’ initiative to catalyse a global debate on how knowledge, education and learning needs to be reimagined.

Even before the Launch of the Chapter, our peacebuilders were already on the move. Rotarians have a unique position to establish a Rotary perspective for 'Futures of Education'. To accomplish this, we have two initiatives of our own: first, to conduct a survey with all Rotarians in the District; and second, to interview Rotarian educators in depth for their insights.
In the interviews, Rotarians educator talked about what is needed to prepare for the future, including a balanced education, nurturing a good mindset, providing opportunities and instilling the Rotarian spirit of service. The interviews have all been published on our 'Rotary Supporting Education' page.
For our surveys, we have received many input from Rotarians in the District. We are currently summarising all inputs. The summary and results of the survey, as well as the 'Futures of Education - A Rotary Perspective Report', will be shared to all Rotarians - stay tuned to our updates!
The Chapter thanks the Rotarian educator interviewees, and the Rotarians who shared their views on the Futures of Education.